Thursday, January 3, 2008

Fingerprints, homestudy paperwork and fees.

Well, tomorrow (or much later today as it is now past midnight) Dottie and I will be making a trip to Charlotte to get our fingerprints done for the Department of Homeland Security. All week Dottie has been trying to convince me that she can't help do the dishes because it dries out her hands and she doesn't want to mess up her fingerprinting. So after we are done she is doing the dishes!

Also, we have mailed off the final (I hope) paperwork needed for our homestudy. We thought that in doing this it would also be wise to pay for the homestudy. So we did. One little tidbit on paying for adoptions. Be smart and put it on a credit card that rewards you (obviously, pay the card in a timely manner in order to not gain interest). We figure by the time it is all said and done we will have earned a weeks stay at a nice hotel.

Better get to bed - would hate to sleep late and miss our fingerprinting appointment.