Friday, February 8, 2008

Valentine's Day and Trip Preparation

For Valentine's Day this year Dottie and I decided to use a gift card we had received for Christmas to go out to dinner and then to use another gift card we had also received as an adoption gift from Dottie's school to go shopping for a few items that we thought we would need for our trip to Ethiopia (a trip that will hopefully be much sooner than much later). The evening started off with a bit of a layover on HWY 220 as we waited for an accident to be cleared. We eventually made it to the restaurant to discover that this was not the restaurant that we had a gift card for. After a bit of driving around we eventually went to TGI Fridays. This wasn't what we were looking for but it was an appropriate place for us to be. TGI Fridays is where Dottie and I had our first date 10 years ago on Feb. 13. Anyway, after dinner we went shopping. This time the gift card we had was in fact for the store we were at. We bought a few essentials for our trip and spent an unbelievable amount of time looking at, smelling, and reading the ingredients of hair conditioning products in the "ethnic hair" aisle. Now be honest, isn't this the most romantic Valentine's date you have ever heard of?
Here's a picture of our big haul (minus the jumbo pack of toilet paper we bought for the house). $50.00 sure doesn't go too far.